Who’s Who  |  Official Website of Invest UP, Government of Uttar Pradesh, India

Who’s Who

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  • Shri Manoj Kumar Singh

    Shri Manoj Kumar Singh

    Chief Secretary
    Government of Uttar Pradesh Infrastructure & Industrial Development Commissioner

    +91-0522-2289002, 2226126


  • Shri Alok Kumar

    Shri Alok Kumar

    Principal Secretary,
    Infrastructure & Industrial Development

    0522-2226117, 2226118


  • Shri Abhishek Prakash (IAS)

    Shri Abhishek Prakash (IAS)

    Chief Executive Officer
    Invest UP

    0522-2720234, 2720231


  • Shri Prathamesh Kumar (IAS)

    Shri Prathamesh Kumar (IAS)

    Additional Chief Executive Officer,
    Invest UP



  • Shri Bishwajeet Rai

    Shri Bishwajeet Rai

    Joint Chief Executive Officer,
    Finance Controller, Invest UP



S.no. Department Name Designation Mobile no. Picture Email ID
1. Policy Cell Shri. Amit Mishra Assistant General Manager (EV Policy) +91-9793855243 agmev[at]investup[dot]org[dot]in
Shri. Shiv Kumar Shukla Coordinator  +91-9793403333 skshukla1959up[at]gmail[dot]com
Piyush Kumar Singh Advisor +91-8527470242 advisor[at]investup[dot]org[dot]in
2. Udyami Mitra Cell Shri. Himanshu Bhatia General Manager  +91-8960440837 gmudyamimitra[at]investup[dot]org[dot]in
Shri. Ritesh Saxena Assistant General Manager +91-7905224361 agmudyamimitra[at]investup[dot]org[dot]in
3. Grievance Redressal/External Events Cell Shri. Rajeev Dixit General Manager  +91-9415023302 rdub[at]rediffmail[dot]com
4. IT/EoDB/Nivesh Mitra Cell Shri. Pankaj Arora General Manager  +91-9839222090 pankajarora[at]investup[dot]org[dot]in, ub[dot]]pankajarora[at]gov[dot]in
5. Mohd. Wali Abbas Assistant General Manager +91-9415157990 waliabbas[at]investup[dot]org[dot]in, ub[dot]waliabbas[at]gov[dot]in
Admin/HR Cell Shri. Hargovind Singh General Manager  +91-9918151969 hargovindsingh1963[at]gmail[dot]com
6. Investment Promotion Cell Shri. Anuruddha Kshatriya General Manager +91-9118712084 gminvestmentpromotion[at]investup[dot]org[dot]in
7. Shri. Sameer Mehdi Assistant General Manager +91-9625556253 agminvestmentpromotion[at]investup[dot]org[dot]in
Shri. Ashutosh Bajpai Assistant General Manager – Media  +91-9335393341 ashutoshbajpai[at]investup[dot]org[dot]in
Legal Cell Shri. Shanta Nand General Manager  +91-9415218433 gmlegal[at]investup[dot]org[dot]in
8. Coordination Cell Shri. Anand Kumar Pandey  Assistant General Manager – Coordination +91-9457575769 agmcordination[at]investup[dot]org[dot]in