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Note: The below provides references to PDF in any of the two languages either English or Hindi

18 2021

Ease of Doing Business reform process has been successfully completed by 15 Indian states

Size: 37 KB| Language: English

18 2021

Uttar Pradesh insisted on ensuring a level-playing field for power distribution among all private and public sector companies

Size: 105 KB| Language: English

18 2021

Finance ministry declared that 15 Indian states have completed the Ease of Doing Business reforms

Size: 74 KB| Language: English

18 2021

Uttar Pradesh eyes on the investment from Canada in technology

Size: 66 KB| Language: English

18 2021

Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh are top states in terms of employable talent

Size: 86 KB| Language: English

18 2021

Uttar Pradesh got the permission to get more loan being top in “Ease of Doing Business”

Size: 64 KB| Language: Hindi

18 2021

Uttar Pradesh got the highest borrowing permission based on the reform performance.

Size: 70 KB| Language: English

18 2021

Uttar Pradesh has completed the target of “Ease of Doing Business”

Size: 91 KB| Language: Hindi

17 2021

Japanese Electronic City will be established near NOIDA International Airport

Size: 184 KB| Language: Hindi

17 2021

Now ODOP products will be linked with technology by the students of Technical University

Size: 148 KB| Language: Hindi