Archive In The News

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Note: The below provides references to PDF in any of the two languages either English or Hindi

31 2021

Film City will create jobs, not destabilize Bollywood: Minister Siddharth Nath Singh

Size: 133 KB| Language: English

31 2021

G20 summit: Modi meets Draghi and EU leaders, to call on Pope today

Size: 3 MB| Language: English

31 2021

UP Special Security Force to guard banks across state

Size: 180 KB| Language: English

29 2021

Cultural and industrial activities of Uttar Pradesh and Sri Lanka to grow.

Size: 106 KB| Language: Hindi

29 2021

Subsidy up to Rs. 200 crores for setting up pharmaceutical units.

Size: 131 KB| Language: Hindi

29 2021

Now availability of raw material for medicine will be easy in Uttar Pradesh.

Size: 148 KB| Language: Hindi

29 2021

CNG will be produced from cow dung in the villages of Uttar Pradesh.

Size: 261 KB| Language: Hindi

29 2021

The UP Government issued licences for setting up three new breweries in the state.

Size: 150 KB| Language: English

29 2021

Most sectors of economy on way to reach pre-pandemic levels: NCAER

Size: 236 KB| Language: English

29 2021

Sri Lankan High Commissioner and Hon. CM, Yogi Adityanath met and discussed bilateral relations between the two countries.

Size: 120 KB| Language: English