Key Policy Objectives
Establish UP as preferred investment destination for Data Centre industry
Develop 250 MW Data Centre Industry in UP
Attract investments worth Rs 20,000 Crores
Establishing atleast 3 State of art Private Data Centre Parks in UP
Key Policy Highlights
- Capital Subsidy to units @7% upto maximum Rs 10 Crores on FCI (exclude land & building) to be paid in 10years
- Interest Subsidy to parks @60% on annual interest for 7years subject to maximum Rs 50 Crores per park
- Land Subsidy 25% on prevailing sector rates in Madhyanchal & Paschimanchal; and @50% on prevailing sector rates in Bundelkhand & Poorvanchal upto maximum Rs 75 Crores to parks & units
- Stamp duty exemption @100% on first transaction and @50% on second transaction to both parks & units
- Electricity duty exemption @100% for 10years to units
- Dual power grid power supply to first 3 DC parks established in the State. Energy Deptt to bear the cost of second grid. For units it is available on demand at applicable charges
- Transmission & Wheeling charges exemption for 25years @50% on intrastate sale of power; @100% for intrastate transmission system & for 5years import of energy from outside UP to both parks & units