Key Policy Objectives
Establish Uttar Pradesh as the preferred destination for film industry
Showcase the heritage, culture and tourist destinations of the State to attract more tourist
Attract more investment in the state
Create more employment opportunities in the state
Key policy highlights
- SGST reimbursement@100% to multiplex/Cinema hall owner
- Subsidy for films@INR 1 Cr for films which have been shot for at least a half of its total shooting
days in Uttar Pradesh @upto INR 2 Cr for the film with two-third of its total shooting days are in
Uttar Pradesh - Additional Subsidy@ upto INR 25,00,000 will be provided to cast atleast 5 artists from UP @ upto INR
50,00,000 will be provided in case all the artists hail from UP - Processing Subsidy@ 50% of the processing cost or INR 50, 00, 000, whichever is less is granted if
any film producer, shoots and processes the film in the state - Subsidy for setting up Film institute@50% of its cost or a maximum of INR 50 lakh, whichever is
less, will be provided(excluding Noida/ Greater Noida)